Friday, March 22, 2013

Date Night!!! (with myself) .... so, yeah, judge away, Judgey McJudgerson

That's right. You heard it correctly. I am going on a date ... with myself.

I've written about this concept once before - how I had spent the better half of my birthday alone and had an awesome day. All in the span of 24 hours, I went to see the Book of Mormon (a show I dreamt of seeing), I got a facial, I shopped, I got an awesome cocktail and seafood lunch, and I saw the Guggenheim (another place I dreamt of seeing.) Basically, I rocked that day. I rocked it real good.

And I do that often. And I see nothing wrong with it.

Yet, when you tell people that you are squirreling away some fun time all on your own, some people look at you with the "oh, that's just sad" face. In fact, today I was actually told, "Oh, that's just sad."

Now, I was on a literal date with another guy when I was asked what my weekend plans were. I was on a date. It showed (at least to me) that not only can I get dates, but I also enjoy them people besides myself.

I had to be honest, though. "I'm having a fun date night with myself!,"I said, with all the excitement of a child on Christmas.

His head tilted. Never a good sign.

I immediately remedied the situation with what I thought was a gangbusters response. "Well, I got this great deal online. I got a ticket to the new Broadway show The Big Knife. It has Bobby Cannavale. You know, that cute guy from Boardwalk Empire? He's been in a bunch of stuff. I think he was Will's boyfriend on Will & Grace. Anyways, it's about Old Hollywood and seems fun, plus it came with a free wine and cheese plate and it was only $39."

Well, his response seemed to be the same. "All by yourself? Oh, that's sad."

He didn't get. He just didn't get it.

I could have been speaking kindergarten level English (which is basically the only kind of English I am able to speak) and he still wouldn't have been able to wrap his brain around the idea of doing something fun alone.

Now, I am no scientist. (It's the truth. I never got the science degree, nor the math degree, nor the I make a lot of money someday degree.) But, I think there has to be some kind of scientific study that shows the benefit of doing something alone.

I am not recommending we all move away from civilization and become loners in the Kentucky wilderness. (Just think of all the whiskey!) But, I do think - from time to time - it's good for people to experience doing things on your own.

I am a long distance runner. I run half marathons. Let me tell you: that 13.1 race is ALL you. It's mental. It's a game. It's a journey. And all the training you did and knowledge you have are there for you to remember but, in the end, it's your two feet and your determination that get you over the finish line. There may be people cheering for you. There may be a friend running with you. But, it's still you doing the one foot in front of the other thing and no one else. No matter how fast you run, no one can run it for you. You're the one crossing that finish line. And it's awesome when you finish - because YOU DID IT.

I think it's important to do things all on your own. It's confidence building. It's a great learning experience.

I learned how to do so much in life because I moved to NYC without knowing a soul. It was sink or swim. How do I get to work? Well, if you think someone is going to explain the subway to you - I have some news: they won't. You're on your own and you figure it out. (Although my cousin Mary and Patty will attest to: I still don't know and don't want to know how to hang things on a wall. They end up crooked or with extra holes in the wall. So, I give up on that one thing. Someone else can do that. I'll bake us some cookies instead.)

I also find that when I am alone, I make friends. I have a face that people just find friendly. Do you agree?


Oh - you're just saying that because I have wine.

(Well, the wine does help everyone involved to be more friendly.)

But, I cannot tell you how often I am alone and people just come up to me and start talking.

- Waiting in line (Any line. Anywhere, really).

- At the dentist's office, but only at the dentist's office. For some reason - not at the doctor's office. Maybe because everyone is sick. I'm not sure.

- On planes. On buses. On trains. Sometimes, I would just like to sleep, but OK, fine - let's talk about your job and how you hate it. I guess I am cheaper than your shrink.

My point - and I have one - is: there is nothing "sad face" about me going by myself to see a Broadway show that sounded decent. I guess people who are married or are in a long term contract with their cell phone provider can't understand this concept. Maybe because they are legally obligated to follow all rules and attend social things with a plus one.

I've never played by that rule. I'm a rebel.

I can go it alone. And I can have a great time.

So, cheers to me, I say. I'm going to have my wine and cheese plate tomorrow and watch a celeb do some acting stuff. Giddy up, Bobby Cannavale!

And if you want to judge Bobby and the night I have planned, by all means: go ahead. It just means more wine and cheese for me.

1 comment:

  1. On my birthday, I had a nice dinner with a group of friends and then on the way home, I took myself out for dessert at a place down the street from me. I was content to do this, but I got many of the same responses! You keep on doing what makes you happy!
